User's Choice Windows CD
User's Choice Windows CD (CMS Software)(1993).iso
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File List
165 lines
256VBCOL.ZIP 24,282 03-16-92 Vb Picture Box Control W/256 Colors
3DCTRL.ZIP 57,637 01-08-93 Using Ctl3d.Dll From Excel To Apply3d Effects
3DLIB17F.ZIP 325,980 03-15-93 Object Compiler Converts Obj DefsTo Obj Files
ADDEND.ZIP 5,193 11-03-92 Unicode 1.0.1 Addendum
ANI11.ZIP 19,223 04-24-93 Animated Cursor Resource (.Ani)File Format Compiler
APPMAK.ZIP 52,458 07-15-93 Appwizard_like Utility For Use WithMs Visual C++
ATBSB001.ZIP 33,175 05-19-93 Demo Of Toolbar And Statusbar DllsV1.01 W/Some Source
ATCOPY.ZIP 7,223 01-21-93 Dll To Copy, Del, Rename, Set AttribsFor Files
BC_CDK.ZIP 7,268 09-01-91 Doc Using Bc++/Ide W/Ms Vbasic ControlDevelopment Kit
BIBLIO.ZIP 7,297 07-19-93 Browser For Biblio.Mdb File In Visualbasic3.0 Pro
BLANDMDI.ZIP 6,828 05-03-91 Examples (in C) Of A Mimimal MdiApplication
BLRPLT.ZIP 54,172 04-14-92 Biolerplate: Startup For Owl Programming
BMPKIT.ZIP 19,943 10-06-91 Routines For .bmp Files From WithinVisual Basic
BV1.ZIP 37,012 01-15-93 Basically Visual Issue 1 (.Hlp FmtMagazine)
BV2.ZIP 145,803 02-01-93 Basically Visual Issue 2 (.Hlp FmtMagazine)
CATCH.ZIP 42,708 03-03-93 Catch Batch Programming LanguageFor Windows
CDBW.ZIP 121,125 05-15-91 Database Toolkit For Windows Programmers
CHECK02.ZIP 33,500 01-26-91 C Syntax Checker For Microsoft Windows(alpha Release)
CLEAN_WP.ZIP 5,427 07-18-92 Same As Cleanup.Zip As A Wpwin File
CLPSIB.ZIP 11,596 11-03-91 Set Ws_clipsiblings Style Bit ForAll A Form's Windows
CMDLG2.ZIP 11,641 08-10-92 Using Common Dialogs From VisualBasic
CODEPAD.ZIP 46,088 03-15-91 Windows Programmer's Editor (80386Only/Crippleware)
COLDEM.ZIP 6,296 06-29-92 Borland Demo Routines For Colordialogs
CUSTOM.ZIP 10,689 07-24-91 Custom Bitmap Buttons For Tpw
DDEAPP.ZIP 13,306 08-09-91 Position Paper On Dynamic Data ExchangeSpec
DLLMAKER.ZIP 10,405 01-29-92 Assemble Turbo Pascal For WindowsUnits Into A Dll
DND.ZIP 19,588 05-05-92 Two Drag & Drop Demo Programs
DPMIGCC1.ZIP 466,810 07-28-93 Rsx The Dpmi-Dos-Extender For Emx/GccAnd Djgpp Gnu-c
DPMI_LIB.ZIP 34,411 11-06-91 C_library For The Dpmi 0.9
DPRIN101.ZIP 13,430 05-17-92 Tp Routines To Access InstalledPrinters
DRFRANK.ZIP 103,330 01-16-92 Dr. Frank: Windows Postmortem DebuggingTool
DROVTB.ZIP 16,650 03-17-92 Drover Toolbox: Input ValidationRoutines For Tpw
DRWAT079.ZIP 23,792 08-27-91 Dr. Watson Uae Interpreter Version0.79
EDITADA.ZIP 217,780 04-30-93 Ada Programmers Editor For Windows3.1
ENUMFONT.ZIP 17,921 09-19-91 Allows Visual Basic To Call WindowsApi Font Functions
EXCEPT.ZIP 7,403 03-04-93 Windows Nt - Exception HandlingExample
F4W3API.ZIP 133,541 01-06-92 Fortran For The Windows 3.0 ApiKit
FAULTW.ZIP 34,149 03-30-92 Trap Application Exceptions
GNUSED.ZIP 75,242 07-30-93 Gnu Sed
HAG.ZIP 556,276 02-10-93 Windows Help Authoring System (getWhag.Zip Too)
HUGARY.ZIP 26,337 03-11-92 Enhanced Huge Array For Vb
HUGE.ZIP 20,170 06-26-91 Vb & Dll For Creating Arrays <64k
HUGE2.ZIP 21,197 02-23-92 Enhanced Huge Array For Vb UpdateWith Addl Features
HYPLK2.ZIP 10,871 10-16-90 Hyperlink: Link Between Src CodeAnd Sdk Online System
INDY.ZIP 610,667 07-16-93 Index For The 32-Bit Api Help File(api32wh.Hlp)
INICON.ZIP 13,694 04-12-93 Vbx File That Simplifies AccessTo "ini" Files For R/w
JANUSW.ZIP 25,281 07-26-92 Two Dialoge Routines
JFKLIB.ZIP 80,603 05-11-91 Class Library For Borland C++
KPUTIL.ZIP 9,217 02-13-92 Knowledgepro Compile Utility (ver1.0)
LOWPASS.ZIP 18,085 03-21-92 Sample Multimedia File I/O SvcsTo R/W Riff Files (c)
LZSSLIB.ZIP 17,479 01-12-92 Windows Lzss Compression Library
MAKEMDI2.ZIP 67,729 11-25-92 Mdi Adaptation Of The Makeapp ApplicationTemplate
MAPWIN.ZIP 65,466 12-30-91 Examine Api Funcs, .Dlls, And DeviceDrivers
MBBOOT21.ZIP 64,047 07-11-92 Mb_boot Quickbasic Program
MB_VIEW.ZIP 5,023 11-07-91 Create/Display Message Boxes
MENUBA.ZIP 19,060 01-26-92 Menubar.Dll: Allows Custom ToolbarsFor Programs
META2.ZIP 6,736 03-10-92 A Discussion Of Metafiles
METAED10.ZIP 410,024 03-15-93 Metaedit, A Multi-Method GraphicalCase Tool
METALIB.ZIP 34,706 03-04-92 Routines To Create, Draw, Save SdkMetafiles
MHELPVB.ZIP 1,167,703 10-08-92 Demo Programs For Microhelp's ToolsFor Vb
MHFS200.ZIP 21,666 03-14-93 Mhformscroll Allows Controls ToBe Scrolled On Vb Form
MLIST110.ZIP 13,329 10-26-92 Enhanced Listbox Control For VisualBasic
MODEM.ZIP 7,710 08-22-91 Tp Modem Routines
MSD11036.ZIP 85,100 08-06-91 Ww0440: The Dr. Watson And Msd Diagnostics
MSGBOX.ZIP 20,558 07-29-91 Vb Msgbox Places The CorrespondingCode On Clipboard
MSJV6_5.ZIP 113,224 09-01-91 Microsoft Journal Vol 6 No 5 Listings
MULTIPAD.ZIP 50,379 07-17-92 Demonstrates An Mdi ApplicationWith Edit Control
MWATCH.ZIP 5,395 08-12-92 Mouse Monitor .dll For Visual BasicVersion 1
NETBIOS.ZIP 29,573 11-08-91 Netbios Dll/Network Chat UtilityFor Windows
NEWEXE.ZIP 32,888 08-29-91 Provide More Information About WindowsNe Exe File
NEWSPY.ZIP 23,766 08-14-91 Clone Of Microsoft's Spy Program
ODBC.ZIP 326,453 03-04-92 Odbc Interface Documentation
OEW_PROJ.ZIP1,084,287 03-22-93 The Object Engineering WorkbenchFor C++
OOT_104D.ZIP 93,818 11-15-92 Object Oriented Analysis DocumentationTool
OPENDL.ZIP 6,603 07-25-92 Vb Custom Control To Use Some OfCommon Dialogs
ORNTDLL.ZIP 13,644 08-27-92 Tp Dll For Changing Printer Orientation(port/Land)
PBCWIN.ZIP 26,414 01-22-93 General Purpose Dll For Vb (78 DifferentRoutines)
PCHART.ZIP 32,155 05-05-91 Tpw Charting Program
PERCNT.ZIP 24,218 11-12-91 Tp Routines For Control WindowsIn Dialog Boxes
PFE00408.ZIP 452,673 02-01-93 Programmer's File Editor
PFF1_3.ZIP 11,988 08-27-91 Programmer's File Formatter
PFP219.ZIP 105,560 09-11-91 Windows Programmer's File PrinterUtility
PLIFE.ZIP 20,668 05-02-91 Tpw Implementation Of The Game OfLife
PRINTBMP.ZIP 98,241 10-29-91 Bitmap Printing Routines
PRINTIT.ZIP 5,524 10-10-91 Windows Print Routines
PROGWIN.ZIP 111,064 11-11-91 Many Examples Of Windows ProgrammingSource Code
QCARD.ZIP 101,771 04-30-93 Dll With Playing Card Faces AndBacks
REAL_LTD.ZIP 305,699 01-16-92 Realizer Limited: A Basic InterpreterFor Windows
RTFPRSR.ZIP 483,547 07-30-93 Rtf Parser Module For Applications
RX.ZIP 34,964 09-30-91 Rx - A Reverse Windows(Tm)3.0 Resource-Compiler
SCROLL.ZIP 12,781 07-11-91 One Of 2 Scrolling Picture Vb Demos
SOUNDX.ZIP 26,433 03-13-93 Visual Basic Code To Play .wav SoundFiles
SPSOUN.ZIP 8,050 07-07-91 Vb & Dll For Making Sound
STATUS.ZIP 10,225 01-31-93 Dll To Display Status InformationIn A Window
SVGA.ZIP 9,986 09-22-92 Dll For Turbo Debugger For Windows
SWTOOLS.ZIP 52,424 05-03-93 9 Functions To Give Your ProgramsAn Expiration Date
SYCOLOR.ZIP 16,852 05-20-91 Set System Colors
TDWIN.ZIP 6,280 04-07-92 Borland Turbodebugger Patch ForWin3
TEXTVIEW.ZIP 170,772 06-15-91 Textviewdll:Tools For Writing TextTo A Window
TOOLBAR.ZIP 42,598 07-08-92 Library To Implement Tool Bars (cSource)
TOOLHELP.ZIP 77,582 05-09-91 Toolhelp.Dll Alpha Release 2, May9, 1991
TOOLPA.ZIP 12,466 04-22-92 Powercode: Extensible Code GeneratorSample
TPU2TPS.ZIP 7,274 07-23-91 Extracts System.Tps From Tp6.0/Tpw1.0Runtime Library
TPWFORT.ZIP 25,460 06-12-92 Combine Tp For Windows Program IntoFortran Subrtns
TPWMI2.ZIP 77,978 08-12-92 Samples Of Useful Source Code FilesFor Tpw
TPWPXENG.ZIP 32,286 07-22-91 Paradox Engine 2.0 Under Turbo PascalFor Windows
TPW_MMEX.ZIP 18,246 12-18-91 Tp4win Multimedia Extensions Dll-LinkUnits
TSTRINGS.ZIP 8,463 12-10-91 Implement Null Terminated Strings
T_BCINFO.ZIP 143,911 02-25-92 Misc Tips/Tricks For Turboc
UPCONV22.ZIP 68,583 09-06-91 Turbo Pascal Case Converter Version2.2
VBASIC.ZIP 8,078 05-30-91 First 2 Infoworld Tech Talk ColumnsOn Vb
VBAWK.ZIP 49,271 07-22-93 Vbx File That Simplifies ParsingOf Text Files
VBBACKUP.ZIP 13,842 05-19-93 Backups Your Vbasic Project FilesConveniently
VBCARDS.ZIP 32,422 09-25-91 Dll For Card Faces And Backs ForUse With Vb
VBCOMDEM.ZIP 44,481 07-11-91 Visual Basic Communications Demo
VBFINDID.ZIP 8,137 10-23-91 Determine Or Define The Ids Of ControlsIn Vb Forms
VBGETDEC.ZIP 32,495 09-18-91 Create A File Containing Dll ProcedureDeclarations
VBKNOWLG.ZIP 161,306 08-03-92 Visual Basic Online Knowledge Base
VBMASK.ZIP 7,841 07-30-93 Display Bitmap With Center Of ItBeing Transparent
VBMDIXPL.ZIP 26,500 05-17-93 Genric Visual Basic Mdi-Application.Req: Vb2.0, Vbx
VBPRIMER.ZIP1,124,875 12-20-92 Microsoft Visual Basic Version 2.0Primer Edition
VBPXEN.ZIP 23,739 10-07-91 Visual Video/Paradox Engine ForDatabase Access
VBRC10.ZIP 73,363 08-12-92 Generate Dialog Templates From VbForms
VBRE150S.ZIP 207,377 04-28-93 Vbreader Application
VBROTFNT.ZIP 11,582 04-17-93 Allows You To Rotate Fonts (tt Only!)In A Vb Text Box
VBSCRL.ZIP 5,689 04-14-91 Second Of 2 Scrolling Demos (seeScroll.Zip)
VBTOOL20.ZIP 35,652 04-08-93 Vbx File And Dll To Allow You ToCreate Toolbars In Vb
VBTOOLS.ZIP 169,420 07-03-91 Microhelp Vbtools DemonstrationProgram
VBZ01.ZIP 87,799 02-26-93 A Sample Issue Of Vbz- A VisualBasic Digest Pub
VB_KBASE.ZIP 96,463 09-18-91 Create A System-Modal Program/WindowIn Visual Basic
VB_RUN10.ZIP 31,474 07-06-93 Issues The File/Save Project AndRun Command In Vb 3.0
VB_TIPS.ZIP 94,591 06-29-92 Vb Tips And Workarounds
VCP1_3.ZIP 46,659 03-11-93 Additional Visual C++ Ver 1.0 Patches
VCP2_3.ZIP 29,227 03-08-93 Additional Visual C++ Ver 1.0 Patches
VCP3_3.ZIP 16,543 03-08-93 Additional Visual C++ Ver 1.0 Patchesb
VC_PATCH.ZIP 92,385 03-11-93 Visual C++ Version 1.0 Dll RuntimeLibrary Patch #1
VDT.ZIP 339,385 12-16-92 Screen Expander, Hiercl Group Mgr,Grphcl Disk Manager
VFYGRB.ZIP 3,783 11-27-92 Displays Version Numbers Of Display/Grabber/Vdd
VLIBBC.ZIP 139,531 02-04-92 Windows Graphics Library (for SdkOr Bcc)
VWPD.ZIP 27,224 11-04-91 Virtual 386 Write Protect DeviceSystem
VXBASE.ZIP 221,914 12-10-92 Vb Custom Ver Of Xbase Dll Functions
VXBDOC.ZIP 159,139 10-21-92 Documentation For Vxbase.Zip
W31API.ZIP 31,795 06-23-92 3.1 Ver Of Windows Api DeclarationsFor Vb
WED13B.ZIP 213,125 03-19-92 Winedit 1.3b: Programmer's EditorFor Windows
WFWHLP.ZIP 22,410 11-05-92 Info On Constructing Windows HelpFiles
WHAG.ZIP 471,410 02-10-93 Windows Help Authoring System (getHag.Zip Too)
WHAT.ZIP 1,308,637 08-06-92 Tools And Templates For Help AuthoringGuide (hag.Zip)
WINAPI.ZIP 52,519 05-14-91 Complete Definition Of The Win ApiFor Vb
WINB30A.ZIP 228,819 03-07-91 Windows Batch Language Version 3.0a
WINCAP.ZIP 43,578 11-05-91 Code From Ms On Working With Bitmaps(capture To File)
WINFO.ZIP 17,479 11-09-91 Routines For Getting Windows Info(mem, Etc)
WINSOCK.ZIP 80,827 06-11-92 Windows Sockets: Interface For NetworkProgramming
WINT_T.ZIP 277,819 08-14-92 Tips And Techniques For Tp For Windows
WPA06.ZIP 49,370 03-24-91 Wpedit: Programmer's Editor ForWindows (ver 0.6)
WPJV1N2.ZIP 46,564 02-01-93 Issue #2 Of The Windows Programmer'sJournal
WPJV1N3.ZIP 128,565 03-02-93 Issue #3 Of The Windows Programmer'sJournal
WRIP143.ZIP 8,097 06-27-91 Intercepts Fatalexit Msgs From WindowsDebug Ver
WTHRDS.ZIP 54,126 06-08-92 Complete Multithreading LibraryFor Windows
WTJ006.ZIP 50,137 07-03-92 Wintech Journal Code Listings July1992
WTJ007.ZIP 227,682 07-24-92 Wintech Journal Code Listings August1992
WTJ008.ZIP 173,586 09-04-92 Wintech Journal Code Listings September1992
WTJ009.ZIP 80,453 09-04-92 Wintech Journal Code Listings October1992
WTJ201.ZIP 53,721 11-06-92 Wintech Journal Code Listings January1993
WXWINDEM.ZIP 88,794 04-19-93 Portable Gui Toolkit For X And Windows3